Mandy Moon

rag rugs, mosaics & patchworks

After an African and Norfolk childhood and teenage years in Gloucestershire I went to Cheltenham Art College but hated it so much I left halfway through the Foundation year.Since then I have taught myself, continuing to do what I've always done which is to sew and make things.

I've always loved colour and pattern and am a bit of a hoarder of fabrics which led to experimenting with patchwork and embroidery which I have done for most of my adult life. I started rag rugging about 20 years ago simply trying something new and found myself hooked.I have been making them ever since.

Scavenging on  a Victorian rubbish dump in Yorkshire was the inspiration for my mosaic work.I had to make use of the mounting piles of beautiful bits of broken china discarded by bottle diggers,hence the tiles.

We moved to St.Just in 2013 after 30 years in West Yorkshire. I still find myself wondering why on earth we didn't do it before. St.Just is a very special place to live and work.

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